Saturday, July 2, 2011

Roles of Teacher, Student & Curriculum from Dead Poets Society

In "Dead Poets Society" Robin Williams plays a teacher at an all boys boarding school, and in this clip he works with a new student Todd Anderson to help him find his inner voice. Robin Williams has asked each student to write an original poem, and Todd is resistant at first and chooses not to write a poem because he doesn't believe in himself. Robin Williams most obvious role as a teacher is to teach, however, during this clip he plays counselor and someone who helps elicit creativity from the students. Robin Williams character acts as a counselor for him helping him to see that he has self-worth and that what he has to say is important. Robin Williams during this clip is teaching but beyond that he is helping to elicit the creativity of the student. He goes beyond the norms and works with him to help him see that.

Todd Anderson is the student here and his role is to be a learner, and public speaker. Todd Anderson is learning how to speak to others and find his voice, no matter what his peers think of him.

As a teacher Robin Williams is very unconventional in terms of following a curriculum. His desire (and personal curriculum) is 1. To teach the students about poetry, 2. To teach creativity, and 3. Teach the students about public speaking.

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